
Build Your Intuitive Skills

Connecting with archetypes is no ordinary experience. It’s dynamic, interactive and collaborative. As an outcome, something almost magical can happen—from an aha to an epiphany, before, during or shortly after you meet your archetypes.

The 360°Archetypes Self-Author Process

Here’s how it works:

Archetypes represent your stories. Every story has a script that can be read. And you know the old saying: There are two sides to every story. It applies to archetypes. Upside, downside. Positive, negative. Strengths and weaknesses. Somewhere in the middle you’ll find your truth.

Think of it like finding the golden mean in philosophy, or the middle way principle in Buddhism, both concepts based on finding balance between extremes. For courage, it means avoiding recklessness and cowardice; facing danger with wisdom, like the archetypal Warrior Queen. For love, it’s finding a balance between smothering and indifference to sustain a healthy connection between the archetypal Parent and Child, one that is based on mutual respect and care. For creativity, the balance might sit between overthinking and rashness, to release ideas and imagination without succumbing to chaos or stagnation, like the archetypal Artist.

In the ancient tradition of alchemy, when elements in opposition are brought together and unified, transformation begins. Positive and negative forces coalesce because of a third, catalytic agent. That catalyst is your spirit.

Archetypes connect you to your inner wisdom. They generate options for you to make decisions, conquer challenges and manifest your future.

It's no use going back to yesterday. You were a different person then. 
‘It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then’, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.  

Intuition. Inspiration. Meaning. Direction.

Build your intuitive skills. Tap into the wisdom of archetypes by diving right into my blog or contact me to book an appointment today.

I love to share the knowledge.

soul purpose facilitator training body soul spirit program created by gail goodwin
Member since 2006


Mark M, & Pearson C, 2001, The hero and the outlaw: building extraordinary brands through the power of archetypes. McGraw-Hill, New York.

Myss C, 2001, Sacred Contracts: awakening your divine potential. Random House, New York.

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