Wing it with Archetypes

When your soul takes flight, you’ll need a bird’s eye view on life. You can do it by adding wings to your personal archetypes.

Add Archetypal Wings to your personal archetypes for additional support in your personal growth.
For your soul to take flight, you will need to add wings to your archetypes
Photo by Jill Wellington

An archetype with wings is a personal archetype supported by two adjacent archetypes. The two wings represent additional ways to enhance self-awareness and support your personal growth.

When you embrace the qualities of your archetype’s wings, it will nuance your understanding of your personal archetypes. Identifying the wings of your archetypes not only provides you with insights to expand self-awareness and personal growth. Utilising the wings of each archetype provides you with additional tools to access your strengths and recognise areas previously overlooked for development.

The Archetypal Wings that you choose are meant to resonate with you. You select your wings. They are your choice. Your choice of Archetypal Wings may be based on your personal values as long term additional supports. Or your choice of wings may be temporary, and chosen according to the task at hand. In this case, you might think of your Archetypal Wings as fit-for-purpose archetypes. Either way, you are not stuck with the same old wings for life. You can keep your wings or replace them with fresh archetypes as required.

Your Archetypal Wings are your choice

Let’s use the Child, Liberator and Artist archetypes as an example of how to wing it with archetypes.

The Child archetype, as a personal archetype common to everyone, represents the part of us that is innocent, playful, spontaneous, and full of wonder. Let’s say that the values you associate with this archetype are freedom, creativity, and a sense of wonderment. As a result, you might choose the Liberator and Artist archetypes as wings for the Child archetype.

The Liberator and Artist have the potential to support the part of you that is represented by the Child archetype in the following ways:

Liberator: The Child can draw on the strength of the Liberator archetype to break free from limiting beliefs and emotional patterns. The Liberator archetype can promote personal growth by empowering the Child in you to assert your independence, to stand up for the self, and to pursue your dreams. The Liberator archetype can be drawn on to inspire the Child in you to reclaim your power and to set healthy boundaries.

Artist: The Artist archetype can inspire the Child in you to explore your creativity, imagination, and emotional expression. By embracing the qualities of the Artist archetype, you can express yourself more authentic way, finding beauty and depth of meaning in your experiences. The Artist archetype encourages the Child part of you to see the world with wonder and curiosity. The Artist archetype promotes emotional healing and self-discovery.

In this instance, both the Liberator and Artist archetypes provide the Child with tools to heal past wounds, explore inner worlds, and develop a sense of autonomy and creativity. By integrating the qualities of the Liberator and Artist archetypes, the Child can grow into a more empowered, authentic, and resilient individual.

Your archetypal wings can enhance self-understanding, self-awareness, and personal growth. Winging it with archetypes helps you to make the most of your personal archetypes.