Reset Your Personal Energy Budget

Whenever you feel drained, weighed down, overwhelmed, ill at ease or your inner peace has been disturbed, then you know it’s time to reset your personal energy budget.

Here’s how to do it:

Firstly, visualise your life force as a neutral source of energy. Imagine that it sits in neutral until you send it on a destructive mission, or a constructive mission. Energetic missions might take the form of destructive, or constructive, thoughts, words, emotions and behaviour.

Secondly, retrieve your energy if you’ve sent it on a destructive mission. Destructive missions may be energy you’ve sent to a person, place, situation or event in the form of destructive thoughts, words, emotions and behaviour.

To retrieve you energy, breathe in as you visualise your energy returning to you, refuelling your body, mind and emotions. This is what I call the Retrieval Process. You might find that you need to repeat the Retrieval Process until you’ve trained your energy to stay where it belongs. In your body, mind and emotions.

Send your energy on a constructive mission. It has the potential to heal, empower, or transform an attitude, situation, personal issue or any area of life that you wish to target. It creates a win-win for everyone.
Constructive energy can neutralise destructive energy.
Photo by Pixabay on

Then thirdly, and this I believe is the part that many have been missing when they fail to regain their energy. I call it the Return to Sender Process or RTS Process. You will need to RTS all the energy that has been sent to you on a destructive mission. Energy sent to you on a destructive mission by others may take the form of destructive thoughts, words, emotions and behaviour. To return unwanted energy, breathe out as you visualise the energy leaving your body, mind and emotions as it goes back to the sender.

Now, you don’t need to panic, thinking that you’re returning bad energy to the sender. You’re not. While the energy was sent on a negative mission to you, you can send it back on a positive mission. Like this:

As a constructive use of energy, send the energy back with thoughts of kindness. Constructive energy can help to neutralise destructive energy. Repeat the Return to Sender Process until you’ve trained the sender’s energy to remain with the sender (and you’ve trained yourself not to carry it).

Lastly, aim to send your energy on constructive missions. Make it a habit. Plug yourself into the power of constructive thoughts, words, emotions and behaviours. Put your whole self into it. Constructive missions may be energy you’ve sent to a person, place, situation or event in the form of positive thoughts, words, emotions and behaviour.

Fixations with people, places and events in the past and the present and obsessions about the future can be draining. It takes a lot of personal energy to send your life force on a destructive mission. It takes even more energy to support and maintain that position. Nobody wins when energy is sent on a destructive mission. Chaos, stress and ill health are too often the result, whereas a constructive mission can enhance the wellbeing of the sender and the receiver.

A constructive mission refuels the energy of the sender and the receiver. The life force increases, spirits return to flourish and so both parties win. A constructive mission has the potential to heal, empower, or transform an attitude, situation, personal issue or any area of life that you wish to target. It creates a win-win for everyone.

You can harness your life force with greater ease when you retrieve your energy. Your personal power rejuvenates when you return energy that doesn’t belong to you. You can reset your personal energy budget when you take charge of your life force, and the energetic missions you send and those you receive. It’s alchemy in action.

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